Posts by ttmwestmaui

Annual Visitor Industry Charity Walk – Show your support

2023 Visitor Industry Charity Walk is coming up! Join Hawaii’s Visitor Industry in fundraising for Hawaii’s non-profit organizations through the...

Introducing Instructor: Katherine Cloutier

 Katherine believes, “The Arts keep you and your spirit young at heart.” Katherine Cloutier has been performing/working/teaching in the arts...

New Performing Arts Clubs – Fall 2019!

Drama Clubs will be starting in the fall at: Lahaina Intermediate Princess Nahienaena King Kamehameha III Sacred Hearts Boys and...

Give Aloha! All September, A Portion of Donations Matched!

Give Aloha FAQs

Special Mahalos! Thank you supporters!

We’d like to thank our FAMILIES who responded with full aloha ans support and our very special supporters, sponsors, donors,...