Save the Date – May 14, 2016 Visitor Industry Charity Walk

Theatre Theatre Maui is once again participating in the annual statewide Visitor Industry Charity Walk!! The walk benefits charities throughout the state of Hawaii as the charities, businesses, and the visitor industry raise funds throughout the state of Hawaii.  In 2015, the islands of the state of Hawaii raised 2.2 million, and Maui County raised $863,268.

We are one of the many organizations that applies for a grant with the Visitor Industry Charity Walk and receives funds that help us keep our performing arts programs low-cost and no-cost for the youth of West Maui.

This year during the May 14, 2016 walk, we’ll be both walking and assisting the McDonalds volunteers at their checkpoint at the Queen Kaahumanu Center during the walk — cheering on the walkers and spritzing them with cool water as they pass by the checkpoint.

The County of Maui encourages adults and children of all ages to raise funds and walk; however, children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an adult.  Please click here for a 2016 Charity Walk Form.  Completed forms may be returned to Angie Thompson, Executive Director of Theatre Theatre Maui by May 7, 2016. 

If you would like to donate to our fundraiser, please visit our donation page or contact Angie for more details. or 808-419-1753 (Cell) or 808-661-1168 (Office) for more information.

Thank you for supporting Maui’s keiki and all the participating businesses and charitable organizations.




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